What a weekend. I am having so much fun, though not always 100 percent certain of what is happening, it seems to involve a LOT of people talking about how cute I am as an elephant and ooing and awing over me. I'm ALWAYS a fan of that.
Today we spent the day at the zoo, riding on the train and visiting the animals. We even got to participate in a costume parade (whatever that is...I just think we sort of walked around the zoo following the leader with a bunch of nutso parents running to get in front of their children to take photos....my Mommy included in this madness).
After the zoo, we went on a trick-or-treating extravaganza....first at the local mall and the in the neighborhood around us. We got a LOT of loot. The only thing is that Mommy doesn't appear to be letting us eat much of it. HMMM....I believe the next few days of my brother and my life will be dedicated to finding a way to get to that candy. Good luck Mommy! The battle begins...