Saturday, May 9, 2009

socks on my hands??

Seriously! She's put socks on my hands! This is because I like to suck on my hands. I don't care that they become pruned and grey. If I don't care....why in the world should my new Mommy?

Quite frankly, the jury is still out on her! But, she is helping me to eat without spitting up so much by making sure I'm sitting upright all during my meals and for a half hour afterward. And, she did manage to get ahold of a bunch of bright noise making sort of things that she is letting me play with. That's pretty cool. But....socks on my hands??? Please!

And, let me complain about that silly doctor for a few minutes. He has my Mommy all worried because of my very low weight and my lack of development. Give me a break man. You try being me. I've been sick basically my whole life, I'm really too little to develop all these major motor skills and muscles and I haven't had a Mommy or family to stimulate me or talk to me or spend time with me. I'd like to see the doctor walk a mile in my shoes and see how "developed" he is! Anyway....Mommy promises that she's going to get me all fixed up and going strong!

Just to give her a run for her money tonight I kept shooting diarrhea out of my bottom every time she got it cleaned up. I'm getting to be a pretty good shot. I got it half way across the room and into the dogs crate this time....straight shot! ha.....and they call me, "under-developed". I bet not everyone has skills like me. ;-)

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