Friday, March 4, 2011


I wanted to give you a glimpse into one of my favorite times of the week.  Every Friday is mommy and my special time.  I get to go out for the morning all by myself with mommy for my gymboree class and a treat.  I love this time because I love mommy and me time....and I love treats.  But, my favorite thing about fridays is....the Gymboree class itself.  I am it's very most enthusiastic member.  The other kids get distracted easily and wander off to do their own thing...but not me.  I am the kid at the front of the class with her hand perpetually popping up to answer the question FIRST.  I LOVE my teacher Molly. I love all the activities.  In particular, I love bubble time (and tummy bubbles) and the parachute time.  I think that it is the funniest thing in all the world to run under the parachute, and it NEVER gets old.  We do it every week, bu it feels exciting and new each time and I laugh as if it is the funniest thing that has ever happened each and every week. 

My brother takes his own class on Wednesdays and then we also get to go to the gymboree facility to use it for play time.  That is pretty great too.  When mommy says we might get to go to gymboree....we both get so so so excited!  I love it there so much!

1 comment:

  1. That does look like fun! And I don't think I've ever seen a happier girl ;)
