Sunday, June 19, 2011


Today we went to the Pirate festival in Vallejo California.  Now, should you be thinking that this is an event mostly for my brothers interest....shame on you!  I am a lover of pirates and all things that wear eye patches and say ARGHHHH!  I'm very good at it you know.  It was hot today, but I still loved walking around and seeing all the pirate spectacles going on.  I got on my mom's shoulders to see the pirate cannon battle out on the ships in the water.  And, we got to see a modern day pirate fight between some knife throwing guy dressed as a pirate and two very drunk guys who kept yelling parlay.  Mommy was mostly trying to figure out how to move us inconspicuously away from the exchange since there seemed to be knife throwing and some bad words involved....but she was amused by the drunk guys use of the word parlay and when the pirate guy told the drunk guys to 'grow up' and the drunk guys answered back, 'hey we're not the ones who go around dressed up like a pirate all day'....I saw Mommy snicker a bit.  Bad form mom! 

Mommy's friend, Monica, and her three kids joined us for the day.  Even though her kids are a bit older (senior in high school, 8th grade and 4th grade) they were all really nice to me and pretty cool kids!'s not every day you get to see a whole bunch of real life pirates walking around.  At some point you really do want to say...."parlay...parlay!!!"

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