Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just Another Day in America

At the mall!

Wow....who knew shopping could be this much fun!  Actually, I love shopping.  Mommy is a bit worried.  She is not a fan of the Disney Princesses and is terrified of weird purple and pink tutus invading our home.  So, when she sees me entranced by new clothes at the tender age of 21 months...well, she gets worried that I will become a clothes horse. I love to get a new outfit or accessory (and yes, I know the word, accessory already) and I wear it proudly, strutting through the room and pointing at it for all to see! 

The mall is a fabulous place, I can buy more clothes AND play to my hearts content.  It's an oasis really...

1 comment:

  1. Disney princesses might just cause the fall of society. I have to agree with mom on that one!
