Monday, November 16, 2009

Going to the Doctor

It was sort of not fun for anyone.  Mommy looked overwhelmed and frazzled and I could tell she was struggling to hold it together and not loose the plot in front of the entire hospital staff.  I was very very cranky.  Evey time Mommy takes me to that building they stick me with multiple needles in a very unfriendly manner.  At least Mommy seemed pleased with the results of the torment.  We have a clean bill of health. 

Mommy had a lot of lab work done on both myself and my brother, just to be sure that when we go to our U.S. embassy physicals in Nairobi to see if they will let us in the country, that we are healthy and no surprises pop up to ruin our immigration.  She was a little nervous for me for both the test for HIV and for anemia.  When I was first born I tested postive for HIV, but that was not because I had actually contracted the disease, but because my biological Mom (Esther)'s antibodies were still floating around in my blood.  A few months later, I got the proper test done again and it came back negative.  However, Mommy has secretly harboured a fear that the second test wasn't done correctly (not a stretch of the imagination in Tanzania).  So, it was a relief for us all to hear today that the results were correct, I am HIV free!  Plus, last time I was in the doctor's office he said I was borderline anemic, so Mommy was happy to hear that we have solved that problem and that I am a very happy healthy little girl. 

My Stats:
weight 8.2 kilos or 18.1 pounds
height 24 inches and 3/4.

The charts say that I'm in the less than 3rd percentile for both height and weight.  We're trying as hard as we can to catch up...but it's tough.  I'm just a small little girl, that's all there is to it! 

SMALL BUT should hear me SCREECH!!!! 

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