Sunday, June 21, 2009

7 the time flies

Today I am 7 months old! 7 MONTHS!!!

I had a pretty good day. I had much of my biological family over to visit me today! My biological Dad came, and my sister Veyce and my 2 brothers Venice and Victor. Also my Aunt Nora and another Uncle (I think he is an uncle by marriage and it wasn't really explained well who he was...but he came to see me!). They are a very nice family, and I'm glad that they want to know how I am doing and that I am well, even if they are not able to have me with them all the time. It's nice to be loved by many many people!

Mommy reminded them that it is my 7 month birthday today and they all sang me Happy Birthday!

Also...Mommy gave me some apple sauce today for my first taste of big girl food. It was ok...but I really like my rice cereal and my bottles best.

1 comment:

  1. Shei Shei - are you actually getting chubby?!?!? So cute!!
