Thursday, February 11, 2010

A mouse in the house

This is Africa.

There are lots of 'things' in the house...all the time.  Bugs, lizards etc. You learn to live with them (if you are Mommy), or you just always assume that's how it is (if you are me).  So, every so often it is necessary to have the lizard poop removed from the walls and a good clean out done of every corner and crook as there will inevitably be dead bugs back there.  Mommy however, noticed that there has been quite a lot of poop lately.  After the mouse in the toilet experience a week ago or so, she has had it in the back of her mind that there MAY be a mouse in the house.  With a lot of poop arond lately, she keeps asking Jane and Jenny (who clean the house and take care of us every day and thus know the house as well as Mommy or Aki or I do) about whether they think there is a mouse.  They kept saying no, but I could tell....Mommy was not convinced. 

This morning, Mommy came out of her room for our breakfast time...and looked at the window sill and stated with GREAT certainty that it was not lizard poop there but mouse poop.  Still no one was convinced.  Mommy walked into the pantry and noticed Twiga staring very intently at the box of extra dishes that sits in the corner.  The landlord to the house provided dishes and since Mommy already owns her own dishware, she put away the landlords so as to not break any of it for the next person.  The box has been there since I moved here. 

Mommy called out to David and Gogo to come and insisted that Twiga had found our mouse.  So, the adults closed all the pantry doors and Mommy stayed outside with Aki and I and we waited.  Sure enough...the mouse was found. David wanted to beat it to death in our pantry with his shoe....but Mommy stopped him (whew!!!).  Instead the little mouse was taken out of the compound and let go.  Bye little mousy.....have a nice life, preferably FAR away from our kitchen!

The Evidence Mounts

The Culprit is Found

Goodbye Mr. Mouse - please don't come back!

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